

Hi there and thank you for visiting my personal blog. Well, actually I hope you will do more than just visit but also read, follow me, contribute and share my work. It may actually help others.

My name is Dani and I have been writing since I was a teenager. I finally decided to put some of my mind’s work to the web and as a result my personal blog was born.

The aim of is to provide advice on life (please read my disclaimer 😉 ), life tips, funny stories about life and information on how to achieve happiness which seems to be the thing that many people chase.

I reside in Melbourne, Australia.

I hope to entertain, enlighten and inspire through my articles and would love to hear from you. Feel free or brave enough to leave a comment and if you like what you read……I’d love for you to submit my work to Digg, Stumbleupon or the like. You can find the buttons at the bottom of each article.

So, let’s get to it! Check yer there!
